Mitsubishi Code P1778

When it comes to Mitsubishi Code P1778, it is an indication of a malfunction in the transmission system that needs to be addressed as soon as possible. The code is generated when the difference between the target value of the primary pulley speed and the actual measurement value is greater than the standard value, with the difference between the target pulley ratio and the actual pulley ratio being 0.3 or greater, and this status continues for 5 seconds. Mitsubishi Code P1778 is a complex problem, which can be attributed to a malfunction in the TCM (Transmission Control Module) or valve body assembly (Faulty stepper motor).

Causes and Solutions for Mitsubishi Code P1778

Cause Solution
Malfunction of TCM Check the TCM for any issues and replace the unit if needed.
Malfunction of valve body assembly (Faulty stepper motor) Inspect the valve body assembly and replace the faulty stepper motor.
Clogged filter Replace the clogged filter.
Air in the system Bleed the system to remove the air.

Malfunction of TCM

When the TCM (Transmission Control Module) malfunctions, it can cause Mitsubishi Code P1778 to be triggered. It is important to check the TCM for any issues and replace the unit if needed. This will help to rectify the problem and return the car to normal operation.

Malfunction of Valve Body Assembly (Faulty Stepper Motor)

Malfunction of the valve body assembly, such as a faulty stepper motor, can also be the cause of Mitsubishi Code P1778. In such cases, it is important to inspect the valve body assembly and replace the faulty stepper motor as needed. This will help to restore the normal operation of the transmission system.

Clogged Filter

A clogged filter can also cause Mitsubishi Code P1778 and this should be addressed as soon as possible. The filter should be replaced with a new one and this will help to restore the normal operation of the transmission system.

Air in the System

In some cases, air in the system can also cause Mitsubishi Code P1778. This should be bled from the system in order to remove the air and restore the normal operation of the transmission system.


Mitsubishi Code P1778 is a complex problem that can have several causes, from a malfunction in the TCM (Transmission Control Module) or valve body assembly (Faulty stepper motor) to a clogged filter or air in the system. It is important to properly diagnose the problem and take the necessary measures to rectify it. The solutions to Mitsubishi Code P1778 can vary depending on the cause, but they generally involve replacing the faulty parts, replacing the filter or bleeding the system. Proper diagnosis and timely action will ensure that the car returns to normal operation.

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