Nissan Code P1065

Having a Nissan car with a code P1065 can be a very frustrating experience. This code is an indication of a PCM Backup Circuit Malfunction, which can be a result of various causes. In this article, we will discuss the causes of the problem and provide potential solutions to help you get your car back on the road. Understanding what the code P1065 means and the potential causes and solutions can help you make an informed decision on how to address the issue best.

Causes and Solutions for Nissan Code P1065

Causes Solutions
PCM Backup circuit (to the battery) is open or shorted to ground Clear the codes and retest for DTC P1065
The original PCM has failed Substitute a known good PCM and retest
PCM is not communicating with other modules Inspect the wiring and connectors
Faulty PCM Replace the PCM and reprogram

PCM Backup Circuit Malfunction

When a Nissan car displays a code P1065, it is an indication of a PCM Backup Circuit Malfunction. This code can be caused by a few different things, including a PCM Backup circuit that is open or shorted to ground, a faulty original PCM, or a PCM that is not communicating with other modules.

Clearing the Codes and Retesting

If the PCM Backup circuit is open or shorted to ground, the first step to addressing the issue is to clear the codes and retest for DTC P1065. This will help to determine if the code has been resolved or if further action needs to be taken.

Substituting a Known Good PCM

If the original PCM has failed, it is necessary to substitute a known good PCM and then retest to ensure the issue has been corrected. If the problem persists, further steps may need to be taken.

Inspecting the Wiring and Connectors

If the PCM is not communicating with other modules, inspecting the wiring and connectors to determine the root of the issue is necessary. If a problem is found, it should be addressed, and the vehicle should be retested to ensure the issue has been resolved.

Replacing the PCM and Reprogramming

If the PCM is determined to be faulty, it is necessary to replace the PCM and then reprogram it for the vehicle. This will help to resolve the issue and get the car back on the road.


Nissan Code P1065 is an indication of a PCM Backup Circuit Malfunction, which a variety of factors can cause. Understanding the code and potential causes can help you determine the best solution. If the PCM Backup circuit is open or shorted to ground, it is necessary to clear the codes and retest for DTC P1065. If the original PCM has failed, a known good PCM should be substituted and retested. If the PCM is not communicating with other modules, inspecting the wiring and connectors is necessary. Finally, if the PCM is determined to be faulty, it must be replaced and reprogrammed. By understanding the causes and solutions for Nissan Code P1065, you can decide how to address the issue best.

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