Dodge Code P0693

When a car displays Dodge Code P0693, the Totally Integrated Power Module (TIPM) has detected an open or shorted condition in the Cooling Fan 2 control circuit. This potentially severe issue can have a wide range of causes, from a RAD FAN HIGH-SPEED CONTROL CIRCUIT SHORTED TO GROUND to a faulty RADIATOR FAN HIGH RELAY or even a defect in the INTEGRATED POWER MODULE (TIPM) itself. Knowing the specific cause of this issue can be vital to resolving it quickly and efficiently, and this table offers an overview of the potential causes and solutions for Dodge Code P0693.

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Causes and Solutions for Dodge Code P0693

Cause Solution
K175 RAD FAN HIGH-SPEED CONTROL CIRCUIT SHORTED TO GROUND Check for damaged wiring and replace it if necessary
K175 RAD FAN HIGH-SPEED CONTROL CIRCUIT OPEN OR HIGH RESISTANCE Verify the circuit is operational and repair it if needed
RADIATOR FAN HIGH RELAY Replace the relay to ensure it is functioning properly
TOTALLY INTEGRATED POWER MODULE (TIPM) Replace the TIPM if it is not working correctly

When a Dodge vehicle displays Code P0693, it can be a source of frustration and anxiety for drivers. This code indicates that the Totally Integrated Power Module (TIPM) has detected an open or shorted condition in the Cooling Fan 2 control circuit. Knowing the cause of this issue and the potential solutions can be critical to resolving it, and this article will provide an overview of both the possible causes and solutions for Dodge Code P0693. With an understanding of the issue and the potential solutions, drivers can take the necessary steps to get back on the road as soon as possible.

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One of the potential causes of Dodge Code P0693 is a shorted RAD FAN HIGH-SPEED CONTROL CIRCUIT to ground. To identify this issue, it is essential to check all wiring for any signs of damage. If any damage is found, repairing or replacing the damaged wiring is essential to resolve the issue.


Another potential cause of Dodge Code P0693 is an open or high resistance RAD FAN HIGH-SPEED CONTROL CIRCUIT. To identify this issue, it is essential to verify that the circuit is operational and to repair it if necessary. This can help to ensure that the course is functioning correctly and can help to resolve the issue.

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Sometimes, the issue causing Dodge Code P0693 may be a faulty RADIATOR FAN HIGH RELAY. To identify this issue, it is essential to replace the relay to ensure it is functioning correctly. This can help to ensure that the circuit is working properly and can help to resolve the issue.


The final potential cause of Dodge Code P0693 is a defect in the INTEGRATED POWER MODULE (TIPM). To identify this issue, it is essential to replace the TIPM if it is not functioning correctly. This can help to ensure that the circuit is working properly and can help to resolve the issue.

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Dodge Code P0693 indicates that the Totally Integrated Power Module (TIPM) has detected an open or shorted condition in the Cooling Fan 2 control circuit. Knowing the cause of this issue and the potential solutions can be vital to resolving it quickly and efficiently. The possible causes of Dodge Code P0693 include the RAD FAN HIGH-SPEED CONTROL CIRCUIT SHORTED TO GROUND, RAD FAN HIGH-SPEED CONTROL CIRCUIT OPEN OR HIGH RESISTANCE, RADIATOR FAN HIGH RELAY, and INTEGRATED POWER MODULE (TIPM). By understanding the causes and potential solutions for Dodge Code P0693, drivers can take the necessary steps to get back on the road as soon as possible.

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