Chevrolet Code B3933 05

Chevrolet Code B3933 05 is an error code that indicates a potential issue with the evaporator air temperature sensor. This code is generated when the HVAC control module detects the evaporator air temperature sensor signal circuit is less than -35°C (-39°F) or more than 85°C (185°F) for more than 15 seconds. Usually this code is caused by a system programming failure, but there can be other potential causes too. In order to identify the exact cause and find a suitable solution, it is important to understand the underlying structure of the Chevrolet Code B3933 05. This article will provide a comprehensive overview of the code, the potential causes and solutions to address them.

Causes and Solutions for Chevrolet Code B3933 05

Cause Solution
System Programming Failure Reprogram the HVAC control module in order to rectify the issue.
Faulty connection at the evaporator air temperature sensor Check for loose connection and fix the connection.
Faulty evaporator air temperature sensor Replace the faulty evaporator air temperature sensor.
Problem with the HVAC control module Replace the HVAC control module.

System Programming Failure

When a Chevrolet Code B3933 05 is generated, one of the most common causes is a system programming failure. This can occur if the HVAC control module has not been properly programmed. To rectify this issue, it is necessary to reprogram the HVAC control module. This can be done by an experienced mechanic or a technician from a dealership.

Faulty Connection at the Evaporator Air Temperature Sensor

If the system programming failure is not the cause of the Chevrolet Code B3933 05, then it is likely that there is an issue with the connection at the evaporator air temperature sensor. In this case, it is important to check for any loose connections and fix them if necessary.

Faulty Evaporator Air Temperature Sensor

Another potential cause of the Chevrolet Code B3933 05 is a faulty evaporator air temperature sensor. If the sensor is no longer working correctly, it is important to replace it as soon as possible. This can be done by an experienced mechanic or a technician from a dealership.

Problem with the HVAC Control Module

The final potential cause of the Chevrolet Code B3933 05 is a problem with the HVAC control module. If this is the case, it is necessary to replace the module in order to rectify the issue.


Chevrolet Code B3933 05 is an error code that can indicate a potential issue with the evaporator air temperature sensor. To identify the exact cause and find a suitable solution, it is important to understand the underlying structure of the code and the potential causes. This article has provided a comprehensive overview of the code, the potential causes and solutions to address them, such as reprogramming the HVAC control module, checking for loose connections, replacing the faulty evaporator air temperature sensor and replacing the HVAC control module.

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