BMW Code P0597

If you own a BMW and your check engine light is on, the code P0597 is likely causing it. This code indicates that the thermostat heater control circuit is open, which can lead to poor engine performance and decreased fuel efficiency. Understanding the cause and solution of this code can help you get your BMW back on the road quickly without having to visit a mechanic. BMW Code P0597 is a diagnostic trouble code triggered when the engine’s warm-up performance is lower than expected. This can be caused by various factors, such as low coolant level or incorrect coolant mixture, short circuit wiring in the ECT, CHT sensor out-of-calibration or failed, or ECT sensor out-of-calibration or failed. To help solve the problem, below is a table of causes and solutions for BMW Code P0597.

💥See also: BMW Code P0208

Causes and Solutions for BMW Code P0597

Causes Solutions
Low coolant level or incorrect coolant mixture Check the coolant level and adjust the coolant mixture accordingly
DME detects a short circuit wiring in the ECT Inspect the wiring and replace any damaged components
CHT sensor is out-of-calibration, or it has failed Replace the CHT sensor
ECT sensor is out-of-calibration, or it has failed Replace the ECT sensor
Replace the thermostat Replace the thermostat

Low Coolant Level or Incorrect Coolant Mixture

If the BMW code P0597 is triggered due to a low coolant level or incorrect coolant mixture, the first step would be to check the coolant level and adjust the mix accordingly. The coolant should be at the right level, and the right mixture of coolant and water should be used. If the problem persists, other causes should be explored.

DME Detects a Short Circuit Wiring in the ECT

If the Diagnostic and Monitoring Equipment (DME) detects a short circuit wiring in the ECT, the wiring should be inspected, and any damaged components should be replaced. This can be done by a professional mechanic or someone with the right skills and experience.

CHT Sensor Is Out-of-Calibration, or It Has Failed

It should be replaced if the CHT sensor is out of calibration or has failed. Ensuring that the CHT sensor is properly calibrated is important to avoid any problems with the BMW code P0597.

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ECT Sensor Is Out-of-Calibration, or It Has Failed

It should be replaced if the ECT sensor is out of calibration or fails. This will ensure the engine runs at its optimum temperature, thus avoiding any problems that could trigger the BMW code P0597.

Replace the Thermostat

In case the thermostat doesn’t work properly, it should be replaced. This will ensure the engine runs at its optimum temperature, thus avoiding any problems that could trigger the BMW code P0597.


When troubleshooting BMW Code P0597, it’s important to identify the cause of the issue and take the appropriate steps to solve it. Low coolant level or incorrect coolant mixture, short circuit wiring in the ECT, CHT sensor out-of-calibration or failed, and ECT sensor out-of-calibration or failed can all trigger the code. To resolve the issue, the coolant level and mixture should be checked, the wiring should be inspected, and any faulty sensors should be replaced. Additionally, it should be returned if the thermostat isn’t working properly. Following the steps outlined in this article, you can solve BMW Code P0597 quickly and get your BMW back on the road.

📢Read also: BMW Code P1339

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