Kia Code P0716

The Kia Code P0716 is a diagnostic trouble code related to the input and turbine speed sensors. This code is triggered when the PCM (powertrain control module) detects a lack of signals from the speed sensors or when the signals indicate that the vehicle is running at less than 98 rpm during the CCM test. This code affects the performance of the vehicle and can lead to various issues with the running of the engine. It is important to identify the cause of the issue and find the right solution in order to restore the performance of the vehicle. In general, the causes of Kia Code P0716 can include an open or shorted signal circuit of the input and turbine speed sensors, a damaged or failed input and turbine speed sensor, or a failed PCM.

Common Causes and Solutions for Kia Code P0716

Cause Solution
Input/Turbine speed sensor signal circuit open or shorted Check the wiring and connectors for any breaks or signs of damage.
Input/Turbine speed sensor is damaged or has failed Replace the sensor with a new one.
PCM has failed Replace the PCM with a new one.
Improperly adjusted throttle body Adjust the throttle body to the correct specification.

Kia Code P0716 is a diagnostic trouble code related to input and turbine speed sensors. The code is triggered when the PCM detects a lack of signals from the speed sensors or when the signals indicate that the vehicle is running at less than 98 rpm during the CCM test. Identifying the cause of the issue and finding the right solution to restore the vehicle’s performance is essential. In order to do this, it is essential to understand the common causes and solutions for Kia Code P0716. This article will provide an overview of the causes and solutions for this code in order to help you identify and rectify the issue.

Input/Turbine Speed Sensor Signal Circuit Open or Shorted

One of the common causes of Kia Code P0716 is an open or shorted signal circuit of the input and turbine speed sensors. This can be caused by a wiring fault or a break in the connectors. To identify this issue, it is essential to check the wiring and connectors for any signs of damage. If any damage is found, then it needs to be repaired or replaced.

The input/Turbine Speed Sensor is Damaged or Has Failed

Another common cause of Kia Code P0716 is a damaged or failed input and turbine speed sensor. If the sensor is damaged or failed, it needs to be replaced with a new one. It is essential to ensure that the new sensor is of the correct type and is compatible with the vehicle.

PCM Has Failed

The PCM can also be a cause of Kia Code P0716. If the PCM has failed, then it needs to be replaced with a new one. It is important to ensure that the new PCM is of the correct type and is compatible with the vehicle.

Improperly Adjusted Throttle Body

The throttle body can also be a cause of Kia Code P0716. If the throttle body is improperly adjusted, then it needs to be adjusted to the correct specification. This can be done using a scan tool.


Kia Code P0716 is a diagnostic trouble code related to the input and turbine speed sensors. Identifying the cause of the issue and finding the right solution to restore the vehicle’s performance is essential. The causes of Kia Code P0716 can generally include an open or shorted signal circuit of the input and turbine speed sensors, a damaged or failed input and turbine speed sensor, a failed PCM, or an improperly adjusted throttle body. By understanding the common causes and solutions for this code, it is possible to identify and rectify the issue to restore the vehicle’s performance.

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