Jeep Code U1403

Jeep Code U1403 is a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) indicating an issue with the fuel level sensor. This code triggers when the Body Control Module (BCM) receives an implausible fuel level signal. To understand this code, it is essential to know how the fuel level sensor works and what components it is associated with. The fuel level sensor is a direct input to the BCM, which then transmits the fuel level message to the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) over the CAN C bus. Common causes of this code include wiring issues, faulty fuel level sensors, and BCM failure.

📢Read also: Jeep Code P0426

Causes and Solutions for Jeep Code U1403

Cause Solution
Fuel Level Sensor Wiring Issue Inspect the wiring and connections to the fuel level sensor. Repair any broken or corroded wiring or connections.
Faulty Fuel Level Sensor Replace the fuel level sensor.
Body Control Module (BCM) Failure Replace the BCM.
Corroded Ground Repair any corroded ground connections. Clean the area and ensure a good ground connection.

Faulty Fuel Level Sensor

A faulty fuel level sensor is one of the most common causes of Jeep Code U1403. The fuel level sensor is essential to the fuel system as it tells the BCM how much fuel is in the tank. If the sensor is not working correctly, it can cause the BCM to receive an implausible fuel level signal. This can cause the code to be triggered. If the sensor is found to be faulty, it will need to be replaced.

Fuel Level Sensor Wiring Issue

If the wiring to the fuel level sensor has become damaged or corroded, it can cause the code to be triggered. This can be due to a number of issues, including rodents chewing on the wiring, or water damage. If this is suspected, the wiring should be inspected, and any broken or corroded wiring or connections should be repaired.

Body Control Module (BCM) Failure

The BCM is responsible for receiving the fuel level signal from the sensor and transmitting it to the PCM. If the BCM is not functioning correctly, it can cause the code to be triggered. If the BCM is found to be faulty, it will need to be replaced.

Corroded Ground

Corroded ground connections can also cause the code to be triggered. Corrosion can occur due to water or other contaminants seeping into the ground connection. If this is suspected, the ground connection should be inspected, and any corroded ground connections should be cleaned and repaired.


Jeep Code U1403 is caused by an issue with the fuel level sensor or other related components. Common causes of this code include fuel level sensor wiring issues, faulty fuel level sensors, BCM failure, and corroded ground connections. In order to repair this code, it is essential to diagnose the problem and determine the root cause. Jeep Code U1403 should be addressed as soon as possible in order to ensure the proper functioning of the vehicle.

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