Infiniti Code C1109

Driving an Infiniti with the C1109 code can be a stressful experience, as it means that there is a problem with the battery voltage to the ABS actuator. This issue can cause the power supply voltage to be higher or lower than normal, making the vehicle difficult or dangerous to operate. To diagnose and fix this problem, it is important to identify the cause of the issue. Possible causes may include a faulty harness or connector, an ABS actuator or electric unit, a blown fuse, a problem with the ignition power supply system, or a malfunctioning battery. Knowing these causes and their solutions can help to get Infiniti back on the road.

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Causes and Solutions for Infiniti Code C1109

Causes Solutions
Faulty harness or connector Inspect and replace if necessary
ABS actuator and electric unit Check the connections and replace them if needed
Fuse Replace the fuse
Ignition power supply system Check the wiring and replace it if necessary
Battery Check the battery and replace it if needed

When the Infiniti C1109 code occurs, operating the vehicle can be extremely frustrating and even dangerous. Fortunately, various potential causes and solutions can help get Infiniti back on the road. If a harness or connector is faulty, it must be inspected and replaced as necessary. Additionally, the connections must be checked and replaced if the ABS actuator and electric unit are causing the issue. If the fuse is the culprit, it must be replaced. Additionally, if the ignition power supply system is the source of the problem, the wiring must be checked and replaced if necessary. Finally, if the battery is malfunctioning, it must be reviewed and, if necessary, returned. Identifying and resolving the cause of the Infiniti C1109 code can help restore the vehicle to proper functioning.


When a driver encounters the Infiniti code C1109, it is important to identify the cause of the issue and find the appropriate solution. Potential causes may include a faulty harness or connector, an ABS actuator or electric unit, a blown fuse, a problem with the ignition power supply system, or a malfunctioning battery. Knowing the potential causes and their solutions can help to get Infiniti back on the road. With the right knowledge, Infiniti code C1109 can be quickly and easily diagnosed and repaired.

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