Ford Code U0100:87

Ford Code U0100:87 is a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) that can appear in Ford vehicles. This code indicates a lost communication between the Engine Control Module (ECM) and the Powertrain Control Module (PCM) due to a missing message. Such a code can set in a Body Control Module (BCM) if data messages from the PCM over the High-Speed Controller Area Network (HS-CAN1) are not received. The type of failure associated with this code is a missing message which occurs when one or more expected messages are not received, such as periodic transmissions with a too-high repetition rate or messages not received due to unforeseen reset events of the component being communicated with.

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Causes and Solutions for Ford Code U0100:87

Cause Solution
Incorrect wiring in the HS-CAN1 Check the wiring for any loose connections or damaged wires.
Defective ECM or PCM Replace the defective component.
Failure of the HS-CAN1 module Replace the HS-CAN1 module.
Faulty ground connection Check the ground connection and rectify any issues.

Incorrect Wiring in the HS-CAN1

The Ford Code U0100:87 can be caused by incorrect wiring in the HS-CAN1. This high-speed controller area network transmits data messages from the engine control module (ECM) to the powertrain control module (PCM). A loose connection or damaged wires can interrupt the communication between the ECM and the PCM, resulting in the code appearing. To rectify this issue, checking the wiring for any loose connections or damaged wires is essential.

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Defective ECM or PCM

Another cause of the Ford Code U0100:87 is a defective ECM or PCM. When either of these components is defective, they cannot communicate with each other, resulting in the code appearing. In this case, it is essential to replace the defective component.

Failure of HS-CAN1 Module

If the HS-CAN1 module is faulty, then the Ford code U0100:87 can appear. The HS-CAN1 module is responsible for transmitting data messages from the ECM to the PCM. If it fails, the communication between the ECM and the PCM will be interrupted, resulting in the code appearing. To rectify this issue, the HS-CAN1 module must be replaced.

Faulty Ground Connection

Finally, the Ford Code U0100:87 can be caused by a faulty ground connection. If the ground connection is not working correctly, it can cause a loss of communication between the ECM and the PCM. To rectify this issue, it is essential to check the ground connection and rectify any issues.

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The Ford Code U0100:87 is a diagnostic trouble code (DTC) that can appear in Ford vehicles, indicating a lost communication between the Engine Control Module (ECM) and the Powertrain Control Module (PCM). This code can be caused by incorrect wiring in the HS-CAN1, a defective ECM or PCM, the failure of the HS-CAN1 module, or a faulty ground connection. In order to rectify this issue, it is essential to check the wiring, replace the defective component, replace the HS-CAN1 module, or check the ground connection.

⚡️Other article: Ford Code P1237

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