Dodge Code P1790

Dodge code P1790 is a fault code typically associated with Dodge vehicles and indicates a mechanical or hydraulic problem. This diagnostic trouble code (DTC) is often stored with another Gear Ratio DTC and can be identified by the code P1790. To properly diagnose this code, it is important to understand the cause and the associated DTCs. This article will discuss the causes and solutions of DTC P1790 in Dodge vehicles.

Causes and Solutions of Dodge Code P1790

Causes Solutions
Low fluid levels Check and replace fluid as needed
Leaks in hydraulic system Inspect and replace any faulty components
Mechanical issues with transmission Replace any damaged or worn parts
Faulty sensors Replace any faulty sensors

Low Fluid Levels

Low fluid levels in the transmission can cause dodge Code P1790. If the fluid levels are too low, the transmission cannot shift gears properly. To properly diagnose this code, it is important to check the fluid levels and, if they are unhappy, to replace the fluid as needed.

Leaks in the Hydraulic System

Another possible cause of Dodge Code P1790 is a leak in the hydraulic system. If there is a leak in the system, then it can cause the transmission to shift improperly or not at all. To diagnose and repair this issue, inspecting the hydraulic system for any leaks and replacing any faulty components is important.

Mechanical Issues with Transmission

Mechanical issues with the transmission can also cause Dodge Code P1790. If the transmission is having trouble shifting, it could be due to worn or damaged parts. To diagnose and repair this issue, it is important to inspect the transmission for any faulty parts and to replace any worn or damaged parts.

Faulty Sensors

Faulty sensors can also cause Dodge Code P1790. If the sensors are not sending the correct signals to the transmission, it can cause the transmission to shift improperly or not at all. To diagnose and repair this issue, it is important to inspect the sensors for any faulty components and to replace any faulty sensors.


Dodge Code P1790 is an error code that typically indicates a mechanical or hydraulic problem. Several issues, including low fluid levels, leaks in the hydraulic system, mechanical problems with the transmission, and faulty sensors, can cause this code. To properly diagnose and repair this issue, inspecting the vehicle and replacing any defective components is important. Understanding the cause and solutions of Dodge Code P1790 is key to properly diagnosing and repairing this issue.

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